Pet information sheets

Pet information sheets can be utilized for long-term pet planning and Pet Trusts, too. The Sheets can help to establish guidelines in the trust.

A rationale will have to be established for the allocation of funds set aside for the pet. Itemized veterinarian costs, food, grooming and incidental costs should be outlined. Indications about what should happen to the pet should they pass over the Rainbow Bridge

Rainbow bridge

Rainbow bridge (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

should also be stipulated; whether the pet should be cremated, buried, etc.

It is entirely important to establish the correct amount of funds for if too much is set aside, then the Illinois Courts may reduce the amount to what they consider a “reasonable” amount to take care of a pet. Illinois law is special. It is honorary. The intended use of the trust may be enforced much more than in other states.

Distribution methods will have to be considered as well. Perhaps reimbursing expenses is better than establishing fixed monthly expenses. An extra stipend can also be set aside for the caregiver since they are doing extra for the pet. The Trustee is never allowed to utilize any of the principal of the trust for their own purposes. The trust is in effect until the pet passes on. All of this can be laid out in the pet information sheet.

If the pet dies before the money in the trust is used up, plans must be established for this as well. It is a good idea to specify where you want the money to go – either to family members or a charity of your choice – not to the caregiver since their job is over when the pet is gone. If there are no plans instituted, then the Courts will get involved and it won’t be pretty.

All information should be thought out thoroughly. Pets can be taken care of well if all of the proper steps are taken. Elders worry about the pets that they love not being properly cared for so short and long-term plans will help alleviate their stress and ease their mind.

All of this is something that I consider when considering that With Age Comes Respect. As a caregiver, I feel it is my responsibility to help with all matters of the heart.

About melissalstoneburner

Melissa is the proud mother of two boys. She also like to take care of all of her elderly clients as though they were her actual flesh and blood, too. Melissa began her elderly care business, Time to Care, in August, 2012. Since then, she has successfully seen several clients through life and onto the next life. She writes about what she knows, what she doesn't know, and reveals all the research in between. She believes that elderly care is the best thing she has ever done in life; second only to being a mother!
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